Direct Macro Import Request:
- Suggesting an 8th softkey in Macro Contents context for direct import of macro contents into Eos.
- This feature would allow saving, storing, and importing macros outside the Eos file structure.
Current Process vs. Proposed Process:
- Present method involves multiple steps using ASCII show files.
- Proposed method simplifies to importing a .txt into a macro and running it.
Usage Scenario:
- Software I'm developing requires transferring bulk data into Eos by my end user
- My users receive a .txt file to transfer to the board, I'm suggesting a simpler import method.
Macro Sharing:
- Proposing "Export" softkey as well for enhanced macro sharing throughout the community.
- Proposing "Export" softkey as well for enhanced macro sharing throughout the community.
Search Bar Feedback:
- Search bar placement in lower left corner is unconventional
- Suggesting more typical top or top-right placement.
- Suggesting an autocomplete/intellisense feature similar to IDEs.
Softkeys Organization:
- Proposing sorting softkeys into contexts in a list view rather than an alphabetical mix of tiles.
- Suggesting mimicking the softkeys' UI representation for intuitive macro building
I wrote a long essay and had ChatGPT write a SparkNotes version.