Under Review

Library objects brought into a file should not persist in library storage once that file is closed

I realize there is some debate on this topic.

I understand the need to keep certain objects in the Library for use in multiple files. In my mind, those files should be added to the Model Archive folder by the user, and then imported from there. If however I bring in multiple objects that relate to this show only (the lighting positions, the venue, the scenery, etc etc) when I close that file or open a new one, those objects should disappear from the library..in the same way magic sheet images work. I can't imagine the headache after doing dozens of shows of having a library list full of random objects from other files. It feels messy and unintuative. And having to go in and manually delete all those is annoying.

Alternatively, the library folder structure could be tweaked so there is a clearer difference between "Archive objects" and "this file objects". So you could import it into A3d however you want...if you want it to be accessible in all files, you drop it in a premade folder called Archive. Otherwise it's understood that those objects live and travel with the file only and won't show up in that list for other files.


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