'Locking' encoder pages to stop encoders moving around [Apex]

Hi all,

I'm running into an issue caused by the Apex encoders display being 3 pages in one. I know already a current feature request about unifying the pages (https://community.etcconnect.com/control_consoles/eos-family-consoles/i/feature-requests/apex-in-extended-mode-main-encoders-mini-encoders-should-be-1-page-instead-of-3) but this may be another way of approaching it. Please could I be able to 'lock' each set of 3 fader pages into a position on the encoders so that they don't shift about while moving through encoder pages? In effect this would mean disabling paging inside parameter categories when there are 3 or less pages, or jumping pages by multiples of three when stepping through when there are 4 or more.

I really like using the bottom right mini encoder to page and sometimes press an encoder category when I'm already in it, and would like both of these actions to always end up with my encoders where I expect.

