Make position and orientation in A3D patch work with Recall From and Copy To

All the fixtures on a pipe will have the same Y and Z values, just the X value changes.  For starters, the rotation could match it's neighbors.  I would like to be able to do something like

Chan 2 [thru] 10 {Position} {Orientation} [Recall From] 1

To change the X position later, I would like a syntax that lets me spread it out, e.g. Chan 1 thru 10 Position_X at -10 thru +10

As I am working with this, I'm learning to use the system so this is less important.  Perhaps a video showing fixtures being patched would help.  I brought in fixtures from my magic sheet and that helps, but still a lot of work.  The magic sheet lets me work in 2D, making it easier to place fixtures and the Z is the same for all of them.  Or I can select the ones with the same Z in patch and set it.  That is working well.