Planned for Future

Merging cue lists from a show with automark to one without should insert marks

(b322 in case that matters)

I merged in an old showfile (cues, presets, focus palettes, effects) to prep for a remount and the old showfile was created and saved with AutoMark enabled.

I'm merging the show to my NEW base showfile that has AutoMark disabled. 

So here's the question/comment/discussion:

When you disable AutoMark for a show, EOS automatically updates the cue stacks to essentially be the same show Mark-wise, just updating the flags (Ref Marks, regular priority Marks, etc.)

So my question is... If you merge a cue stack (or individual cues for that matter) from a show with AutoMark ON to a show with AutoMark OFF... shouldn't it treat the OLD show as if you were turning OFF AutoMark, then give you those updated cues?

Currently it does not, and you get a cue stack with no reference marks. Which theoretically, isn't the same cue that was built (because AutoMark was on and doing References/Marks, etc. just not hard coding that information into the cue stack). However, I have the feeling this is expected behavior.

I understand the concept of why you might want to keep the behavior this way, but would it be possible to display a warning that the user is merging an AutoMarked show into an Non-AutoMarked show?

It would also be cool if eventually we had the option during merge to select if we wanted to "De-AutoMark" the cuelist upon bringing it in. (I can write this up as a suggestion if my premise above is correct)

P.S. If anyone else has this problem in the future, the work-around is to just save a copy of the previous show after turning off AutoMark.