Planned for Future

More detailed FaderConfig

It would be nice if you had more opportunities to change your fader configurations. So on a Gio or Ti, you have 10 Fader with each of them 3 buttons. For example: I want to have the opportunitie to say that the button on the really bottom is a go button of any cuelist and the one above is a flash button ( or anything else ) and the button on the top triggers a macro or is another flash button for a sub or triggers any function of any cuelist. This would make busking on eos a way more comfortable and would allow so many things...

  • Thank you for your input.   Some pf this will be addressed in future work.  We are unlikely to allow you to take this to the point of the bottom button being go for Cue list 1, the middle button the back button for cue list 9 and the top button a solo button for sub 12.  This becomes very difficult to display in any meaningful fashion.   So while there will be some loosening of the rules of mapping, there will still be some restrictions. 



  • Thank you for your input.   Some pf this will be addressed in future work.  We are unlikely to allow you to take this to the point of the bottom button being go for Cue list 1, the middle button the back button for cue list 9 and the top button a solo button for sub 12.  This becomes very difficult to display in any meaningful fashion.   So while there will be some loosening of the rules of mapping, there will still be some restrictions. 



  • I see your point, but for example there´s also so far no way to see whether wich macro is on any button... And in eos 3.0 as aou might know there´s this expandable faderbar as it is on the motorized fader wings. Maybe you could give an option in the setup to unlock this feature. I´m sure many people would like it to map it freely, altough they loose a little bit of what they can see, what´s mapped on the different buttons. What do you think to that points?