Moving object is followed by a beam of light..

Ciao ETC Teams,

at moment if i move on Z my truss with moving lights (XYZ Enabled) the light always keeps its aim at the object, very nice feature easily integrated with reality... I'd like to being able to move a scenographic object inside Augument3d, and once included in the focus palette, if I move the light beam in Augument3d it follows it because it would still know the coordinates inside A3D .. I think synchronization with external motor controller would be quite simple with a triggher (S-acn, OSC, UDP String) and once a cue has been performed at the same speed both in virtual (Eos-A3D) and in motor control, objects that send from the grid could move vertically (Z) and would be illuminated with a only Cue for the whole path. Doing the opposite in the line of work works very well (moving truss + moving head up and down) and the lights are already all pointing along the path. What do you think about doing the reverse? (move object inside augument3D and the light know where to illuminate)


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