Offset - Order by Delay / Order By Time

I've asked for this before, but I'm going to ask again....

Please please please please please please please please can we have a way of selecting channels in an order based on any existing per-parameter delays or times. I'd imagine this could be hidden away under OFFSET.

So sitting in a cue where chan 1 del 1, chan 2 del 3, chen 3 del 2, chan 4 del 5, chan 5 del 4

Going 1 THRU 5 OFFSET {order by delay} would select them in order ch 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.

{order by time} would order based on time. 

{order by duration} would order based on time+delay.

{reverse} and the other offset options could be appended.

Yes it is nteresting to consider what should happen with channels in a range that don't have specific times/delays set. and perhaps there should be an option to filter/ignore those.

Yes, it is interesting to consider what should happen to channels with different times/delays on different parameters, but I'd presume that the usual filtering using parameter filters would work here to help make decisions about this.

This would be so, so useful.

