Option in Setup or Magic Sheets to allow Magic Sheet Channels' "Link to Color" refer to CP Reference Color and not Channel Color Data. Helpful for CCT Based Palettes.

In Magic Sheet Channels, linking to Target Color used to reference the Color Palette's Reference Color.  This was especially helpful for CCT Color Palettes using non-standard color Parameters like CCT, Warm White, Cool White, and other combinations to achieve Kelvin Palettes. This was especially helpful in Film & TV.  Updating to the latest Firmware 3.1 upended all that. No matter what the Palette Reference Color is, Magic Sheets will analyze the underlying Channel's Color Parameters. Lights that have no Color Parameters, like Bi-Color Ribbon, or any TV fixture with CCT only parameters now stay white only.  We routinely utilize different lights' Parameters to get to 3200K (RGBA, WwCw, CCT, HS).  It would be helpful to have an option to continue to see Color Palettes' Reference Color until the Palette is made absolute.