Planned for Future

Option to Show only Fader Status Display in Fader Module

To keep track on what Faders/Subs/Cuelists are currently running across multiple banks without loosing too much space, it would be nice to configure the fader module to only show the status display.
Just like it does on the bottom part of the PSD for the current bank.

Having this as a magic sheet object would be an additional bonus.

  • Actually our plan for this is a Flexi state that would suppress faders with inactive content.    Our feeling is that you still want to have buttons to control that content - but suppressing the fader (which you can do), would give you a compressed display but still have playback controls where you want them.  




  • Actually our plan for this is a Flexi state that would suppress faders with inactive content.    Our feeling is that you still want to have buttons to control that content - but suppressing the fader (which you can do), would give you a compressed display but still have playback controls where you want them.  




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