OSC improvements

- Shift button, I tried to create a 'real' Shift Key to control Fine mode on encoders but nothing happens !
Is this behavior intended or a bug? The Key is seen on on Tab99 but it does not work like on a real console.
Can you make it possible to use the 'Shift' Button when using /eos/wheel/<parameter>

- Parameter controls, OSC cmd '/eos/param/<parameter>' allows some actions like 'home', 'min', 'max' ....
It would nice if this actions will also available for wheel messages like
'/eos/wheel/<parameter>/home' or '/eos/wheel/<index>/min'

- User, If I fire a macro like '/eos/user/0/macro' with User 0 (background) all following actions on encoder does not work.
Does changing the user inside a command set the user also for the following commands?
I would expect that only '/eos/user=x' will change the user for all following commands.
For any other commands user should only work for the actual command, not for following commands.

- Implicit OSC output, can you add an output for the encoder category to '/eos/out/param/<param>' ?

  • > - Implicit OSC output, can you add an output for the encoder category to '/eos/out/param/<param>' ?

    This would be extremely useful to have!!
    And I'm surprised it isn't there already. We can set values remotely, but cannot read them? This forces you to completely remote-control EOS, outright overwrite values, as you cannot interact with what happened in the console/nomad.

  • yes you can read them. sstaub is asking for params to not only output their values but also tell which encoder category they belong to.

  • How can I read them? You mean via the wheels? That is sadly a very cumbersome way to read 50+ fixtures, esp if i only need a specific parameter per each.

    I can set them via "/eos/chan/<chan>/param/<param>". But there is no equivalent way to quickly read a channels params, or is there?

  • How can I read them? You mean via the wheels? That is sadly a very cumbersome way to read 50+ fixtures, esp if i only need a specific parameter per each.

    I can set them via "/eos/chan/<chan>/param/<param>". But there is no equivalent way to quickly read a channels params, or is there?

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