Paired Encoders and Fan Encoders

Paired Encoders:

The ability to have a pair of shutters on an encoder together in a custom map, in the world of desks with 14 encoders losing 2 to having A and C, and B and D paired at your fingertips would be great! And maybe in the CDS editor have control of if they run opposite each other or together (for Angle).

Fan Encoders:

Being able to have an encoder permanently mapped to Fan a parameter, say pan > center say, or Tilt > Mirror Out.  Along a similar vain where we have so many encoders these days losing some to quickly having different selections of Fan would be great. I know the holding fan has gone along way towards this but for busking say a specific encoder map for making beamy looks with different fan options already set out would be great, with the added bonus you could Pan Fan Center and Tilt Fan Mirror out at the same time!!