Patch Offset

It would be nice to be able to define an offset in patch for various paramaters. Specificaly for pan tilt this would be super helpful. Imagine a fixture was hung 90° the wrong way, in patch you could set a pan offset of -90. Then pan 0 is where you expect it to be.

Just an idea,


  • The problem is, that the Fixture can not move the hole 270° in both directions.
    So setting a 0 point is false.

    Rather use a Self defined Home Preset for the fixtures you like to correct.

  • I get that, but I would use this more in the scenarios where I have 50+ focus pallets that all need to be updated the same amount. I would imagine it would handle limmits the same way relitive effects do when it hits a physical end of movement, it stops physycaly but continues virtualy. It's not very often I find myself needing evey last degree of pan and in many scenarios the offset would never put me in danger of hitting a physical limmit. Many other console manufactures have successfully deployed this feature and I would love to see it on the eos platform.

  • I get that, but I would use this more in the scenarios where I have 50+ focus pallets that all need to be updated the same amount. I would imagine it would handle limmits the same way relitive effects do when it hits a physical end of movement, it stops physycaly but continues virtualy. It's not very often I find myself needing evey last degree of pan and in many scenarios the offset would never put me in danger of hitting a physical limmit. Many other console manufactures have successfully deployed this feature and I would love to see it on the eos platform.

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