Playback Go Button(s) adjustable debounce to reduce unintended double-taps

A suggestion posed to us by a student joining our EOS training classes: It might prove helpful to allow the end user to select a waiting time between one hit of the GO button, and before next press would register. Depending on the speed of cue triggering during live event playback this might provide some protection against unintended cue playback.

  • Interesting idea however in my situation we take advantage of this when we need to skip a cue or three. A quick advance gets us past a skipped or omitted element during a live performance and I can see debounce causing more harm than good. But if it is adjustable then I can see some merit to it.

  • Interesting idea however in my situation we take advantage of this when we need to skip a cue or three. A quick advance gets us past a skipped or omitted element during a live performance and I can see debounce causing more harm than good. But if it is adjustable then I can see some merit to it.
