PSD notes window refinement

Would be lovely to have the Notes window a bit more elegant; make the note stand out more from the cue number and label in front. Sometimes it’s hard to seperate the two at a glance. 

also, have the font size and pending cue toggle live somewhere on the tab settings. I have an RPU with 1 screen and multiple frames on it and this part takes probably 1/20th of the screen real estate. 

  •  A few things you may not be aware of... 

    There is an option for the notes section to be a larger box that contains all of the notes, that appears towards the bottom of the PSD. I can either display the current cues notes OR the notes of the pending/following cue.

    For that box you can adjust the font size (see the .a[A]  button on the right side)

    While you cannot put anything in front of the cue number column, you can rearrange all of the columns however works best to give you the isolation you're looking for.