Planned for Future

Recall from gel

I would like the option to recall a color from gels applied to dimmers in patch.

Magic sheets and color picker can see the color and I would like to have the option to use it in recall and copy to.

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  • If I have Channel 1, a S4 with Lee104 in it where I in patch have connected the filter to the channel it will show up as yellow in the magic sheets if I link to color, but I can't do Channel 101 (A LED par for example) recall from ch1 and get the color transmitted.

    But what I can do is set a scroller on ch1, set the scroller to Lee104 and do the recall to 101 and transmit the color. 

    So I want to be able to recall from fixed filters in fixtures. Somehow the connection to the color filters are there thru the scrollers but that data do not follow along when setting a single filter to a fixture. But somehow the single filter do show up in magic sheets so EOS read some info from them but not as from scrollers.

  • Interesting.  I get what you are saying.    So the requirement is channel x color recall from channel a is respected even if channel a is a generic.   Copy to the same clearly.  

    Will SCR.
