Planned for Future

Road-map/Options for implementing Time Templates?


First I would like to thank ETC, the Entire EOS Team and the Beta Moderators for their hard work, especially in these trying times.

I was wondering if there were any thoughts about the Time Template button and if it would be possible to create a new reference item that contained discrete fade and delay timings. 
I have some busking macros that apply delays to color lists, but currently the syntax requires that I create each delay shape in the macro.  A Time Template on Direct Selects would speed up this process and allow for more creativity with applying discrete delays and fades to parameters.  In addition, the Time Template should effect live values as they are applied manually or Cue values when they are played back (like normal discrete times). Also, it would be useful to be able to create Submasters that play back discrete timings when the flash key is pressed.

Since I'm not in front of a physical rig right now I can't verify, is it possible that discrete times will playback when recalling from Staging Mode to Live?  

An ideal situation would be that I can apply a Manual Timing Template, then apply Color Pallets that will respect a live manual time, and derive discrete color delays from the currently manual time Template. This would show me my discrete timings before i commit them to a cue or also allow me to see results in Staging Mode.

Thank You!

Stay safe,


  • Hi Daniel.  We do someday intend to implement time templates.  But they will be templates, not palettes, in that our direction is not to make them referenced data.    There is also intent to be able have additional granularity in submasters for timing.  It is not yet clear if we will go tot the discrete level.  If you need that, a single cue cue list should work. 

    We have not yet implemented discrete timing for copying staging to live, but we do intent to do so.  Right now, you can use sneak time (only).



  • Hi Daniel.  We do someday intend to implement time templates.  But they will be templates, not palettes, in that our direction is not to make them referenced data.    There is also intent to be able have additional granularity in submasters for timing.  It is not yet clear if we will go tot the discrete level.  If you need that, a single cue cue list should work. 

    We have not yet implemented discrete timing for copying staging to live, but we do intent to do so.  Right now, you can use sneak time (only).



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