rotating pixelmap


my idea is to rotate the pixelmap, maybe on the server base.


because i i rotate the image on the layer, the image is starting to crack.

For example: if you draw a line, and try to make it 30° it is a pain in the ass with the picture. It's not looking good.

My hope is that the rotation of the Pixelmap itself will get rid of all the bad pixel behavior.

Just a hope...


wait wait wait. Bad pixel behavior? What do you mean?

Oh, glad you asked.

If the Picture is rotated, at some angels there appear a lot of 'false' pixels. Means, they are not as saturated as the original is.

They maybe have more of a oppacity or appear much dimmer.

The carackter of the original picture can be "damaged" quite a bit.

And yes i know that the pixel world is not an easy one. But i hope i could be better ; )