Scenic Element Movable - Add the ability to have the Size X Y Z dimensions of an object saved in cues

Scenic Element Movable

Could you add the ability to have the Size X Y Z dimensions of an object saved in cues, or at least changes to those dimensions?
This would be useful for representing ( in Augment3d ) opening house curtains part way, or for retracting a roll up projection screen part way to reveal something behind.
  • you can already do both of your examples:

    - each half of the main curtain is nested into a Scenic Element Movable (SEM) each. you can store their X position in cues, so you can move them horizontally in cues.
    - the projection screen could fly out, so when nested into a SEM you can change it's Z pos when going from cue to cue.

  • you can already do both of your examples:

    - each half of the main curtain is nested into a Scenic Element Movable (SEM) each. you can store their X position in cues, so you can move them horizontally in cues.
    - the projection screen could fly out, so when nested into a SEM you can change it's Z pos when going from cue to cue.

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