Scenic Element Movable - Add the ability to have the Size X Y Z dimensions of an object saved in cues

Scenic Element Movable

Could you add the ability to have the Size X Y Z dimensions of an object saved in cues, or at least changes to those dimensions?
This would be useful for representing ( in Augment3d ) opening house curtains part way, or for retracting a roll up projection screen part way to reveal something behind.
  • I agree that that will work in a normal proscenium venue that but our venue is a converted church with a 40' high barrel vaulted ceiling and a Pipe Organ, both of which are always visible to the audience behind the projection screen and above the lighting grid in some of our productions.

    'Z'ing a Projection screen up just blocks the upper pipe organ and the back of the ceiling, neither of which happen in the actual venue.  I could have it disappear, but that doesn't help if I need to stop it part way.

  • I agree that that will work in a normal proscenium venue that but our venue is a converted church with a 40' high barrel vaulted ceiling and a Pipe Organ, both of which are always visible to the audience behind the projection screen and above the lighting grid in some of our productions.

    'Z'ing a Projection screen up just blocks the upper pipe organ and the back of the ceiling, neither of which happen in the actual venue.  I could have it disappear, but that doesn't help if I need to stop it part way.

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