Shift + Palettes or Subs or effects Button to toggle a quick list without going to blind

Often I find myself recording a new sub or effect or color palette in a crowded showfile and having to double tap sub or effect or color palette to find an empty spot and then go through the pain of going back and forth between blind and live. 

Can we get a pop up menu like the update or the esd that quickly tells us what subs or color palettes or effects we have in a list without going into blind? Maybe something that pops up if you press and hold (shift)  (Sub) or (shift)(effect) to open it, and then you can use arrow keys or mouse to scroll up and down.  I find the popping between live and blind to view lists one of the most time wasting aspects of EOS. Hope I’m not the only one who feels this way.

Thanks for your time.


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