Should the slider bars in A3d preferences have numerical references?

Don't get me wrong...I love the simplicity of the Ambient light shortcuts. And for basic users, this may be all they ever deal with. But since you can open up preference and change the ambient light to levels that are not one of the 4 buttons (as well as brightness and haze), as well as get access to additional display settings like Contrast and Saturation...and since I've learned (as per our other conversation) that these display settings are NOT show file specific, I wonder if it wouldn't be prudent to have numerical values that go with those sliders so you can put the settings back how you like them. I'm thinking just 0-100..cause if all those settings are going to "track" through show files..getting things back the "way you like them" isn't particularly easy without snapshots. If you knew you liked your contrast at XX, your saturation at XX or whatever...then you could restore them easier...or track better whether your setting has change due to opening another file.
