Planned for Future

show control - fader

Hey there,

I'd like to be able to map show control events to faders, not only to submasters etc.



  • You can kind of do this now, in a work around manner. Below is an example I threw together for a timer that starts and stops whenever a CO2 cannon is active.

    Patch channel 1 to address 1 - this is your co2 cannon channel
    Patch channel 2 part 1 to address 11
    Patch channel 2 part 2 to address 12, and invert the output

    In show control, create event list 1 and assign it to SMPTE
    In show control, create event list 2 and assign it network

    In list 2, create 2 events. Assign 1 to macro 1, and 2 to macro 2

    Create macro 1 that reads "Event 1/ Internal Disable"
    Create macro 2 that reads "Event 1/ Internal Enable"

    Now, make a sub 1 that has channels 1 and 2 in it at full.

    When you bump sub 1, the timer will start. When you release sub 1, the timer will stop.

    You can use this to drive other show control actions as well!

  • You can kind of do this now, in a work around manner. Below is an example I threw together for a timer that starts and stops whenever a CO2 cannon is active.

    Patch channel 1 to address 1 - this is your co2 cannon channel
    Patch channel 2 part 1 to address 11
    Patch channel 2 part 2 to address 12, and invert the output

    In show control, create event list 1 and assign it to SMPTE
    In show control, create event list 2 and assign it network

    In list 2, create 2 events. Assign 1 to macro 1, and 2 to macro 2

    Create macro 1 that reads "Event 1/ Internal Disable"
    Create macro 2 that reads "Event 1/ Internal Enable"

    Now, make a sub 1 that has channels 1 and 2 in it at full.

    When you bump sub 1, the timer will start. When you release sub 1, the timer will stop.

    You can use this to drive other show control actions as well!
