Stage Managers/Cast Members Reduced Access App

Not sure if this is the right place or if it would be better in the 3.0 Beta, anyway.

After watching some of the videos on Augment3d, and specifically iRFR, it would be amazing to have an app with the Augment3d integration without control of anything else. 

First part would be the ability to add reference points. This would allow a stage manager to drop reference points for lighting without having access to anything else. It would mean we could set up a phone for them without the risk of them having full access to the desk.

Second would be magic wand, sort of. It would be great if we could name the phones, have a number of them, say 10, and be able to give these to cast for specials. This would make relighting shows that may not keep the same relationships between venues. For example, I have done a few shows where the scenery and lightning rig are put where makes sense but may not be related to one another. For example portals may not be in the same place or staircases etc. In these, it would be amazing to give a phone to a cast member, select the lights and 'wand' them to the actor. This could be done from the desk or the phone. Having several would allow for specials to be worked through quickly. Again in one of those shows, we had several cast members that have specials for dance numbers.

I think having one app that had these special functions but not access to the desk would be really useful, and would definitely expand the usefulness in terms of tech and relighting.