Store More Complex Data In Timecode Clocks


Recording fader moves is a staple of time-coded light design and Eos can't record them. It's absolutely impossible in this software.

The problem is that it's an event list. That the biggest problem. It needs to be a timeline with x and y, not an event list. Event list gets extremely cluttered with f-curve data because f-curve data should not and can not be intelligibly expressed as single events in an excel spreadsheet. I can programmatically bake f-curve data into Eos using USITT ASCII, but that quickly takes up 100% of the macro quantity allowance.

Add a timeline and you can now do basically anything you want. Because now the thinking is correct. It's all about the correct thinking. Eos currently thinks about time in 1 dimension. That's not smart. The other dimension to consider is parameter value. Time on x axis and value on the y. Eos's current thinking is 1 dimensional because it thinks in terms of events, not values. It's a straight, dotted line. Everything is dots. Change the thinking. Give it curves. Give it value. Give it the y axis. The correct thinking takes Eos from only being able to put dots on the line to being able to draw 2 dimensional curve shapes above the line. 

Yes, it has the right general idea in the effects editor, but that's severely restrictive holistically because it's an effect, not a timecode clock. 

Best regards,

Jordan Henshaw