Text search function for gel and or color pallettes

As it says please give us a search bar for colors both in console and or names we give new ones.  Thank you.

  • This feature already exists: https://www.etcconnect.com/webdocs/Controls/EosFamilyOnlineHelp/en-us/Default.htm#03_System_Basics/02_The_Central_Information_Area_(CIA)/The_Command_Line/Command_Line_Search.htm

    You can add "Color Palette" to the beginning of your command line to search through color palettes, or "Preset" to search through presets.

  • That doesn't work for gel names in the color picker. It would be helpful when if I'm asked for a specific gel color, I can search for that name instead of having to ask what manufacturer and number it is or look it up on my phone.

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