Undo Sneak

When I need to use undo there is often a big jump in values. Sometimes, when I’m on a generator, that spike can cause a rev or sharp decrease. It would be nice to have a setting that gradually goes back when using undo. 

  • Admittedly it's pretty rare, but on seldom occasions when you have to undo several steps is where it would be of use or where I've re-recorded over something. I work mostly in film, commercial, and music videos where changes and overwriting happen a lot and inevitably Ill screw up somewhere and have to undo.  

  • As in, if you're in a cue you've just recorded and you need to delete that cue, you can GOTO Q time whatever to get  the levels to where you want them in a smooth fade. Or grab all the channels in a sub and Sneak them to another value before deleting the Sub -- 

    I have a Macro that solves this issue when Un-Parking channels--rather than them bumping back to their background state, I do CHANNEL [Recall From] [Park} * [Select Last] [Park] ** [Select Last] [Sneak] [5] *

    The [Select Last]s don't really need to be in there, either -- I just use them to be on the Super Super safe side. I've had a few Un-Parking Accidents, if you will! 

  • Just curious, but what actions do you have to undo that you cannot use a combination of Selection Tool and [Sneak] [Enter]?