Unleash The LED Pixels!

With the exception of Apex and the 24k Ion, Most consoles have a low output limit when considering pixels. For example, the ION my local theatre just purchased has a 2048 output limit and my Nomad dongle unlocked has a 6144 output limit. Thus a limit of about 2,000 pixels for the Nomad. Taken at 144 Pixels/m translates to a max of 13m of adressible tape before accounting for any other fixtures. At ~$9 a meter, the tape is extremely low cost compared with the outputs the pixels occupy. Could ETC come up with a way to exclude pixels from the output count or otherwise make a low-cost option to expand the output count for pixel-intensive applications? Some possible resolutions include.

  • Exclude generic fixture type RGB 8bit from the output limit.
  • Make the pixel mapper a separate $ addon that would have unlimited outputs for anything directly patched in the pixel mapper.
  • Allow a large separate output limit for anything patched in the pixel mapper.
  • Create a new fixture profile that would not count against the output limit.

Thanks for your understanding. I can always run pixels through external software, but I love the EOS environment and would love to use it for larger pixel installations.

  • Stumbled upon this when noting that in the current version patching Pixel Map addresses doesn't actually increase the "Patched Addresses" count in the About window even though it *is* limited by the dongle output. Agree it would be great to have this limit 'ignored' for pixel mapping (even if those channels weren't available elsewhere in the desk) as LED pixel tape is now dirt cheap (I just purchased 80m of it for our community theatre at about $1.50/m) but we can't use our ETC to drive it, instead having to use external software when there's a great pixel mapper built in. 

  • Stumbled upon this when noting that in the current version patching Pixel Map addresses doesn't actually increase the "Patched Addresses" count in the About window even though it *is* limited by the dongle output. Agree it would be great to have this limit 'ignored' for pixel mapping (even if those channels weren't available elsewhere in the desk) as LED pixel tape is now dirt cheap (I just purchased 80m of it for our community theatre at about $1.50/m) but we can't use our ETC to drive it, instead having to use external software when there's a great pixel mapper built in. 

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