Planned for Future

Update Magic Sheet Targets when they are changed by MoveTo

In Patch MoveTo of a Channel or in Blind MoveTo of a Group, or a Pallet, or a Preset etc etc, basically when anything that can be a target of a Magic Sheet object is moved, please update the target reference in the Magic sheet in the same way as it is changed in other references to it.

  • Beyond this, but also to include this data in the about screen for a given target -- such as channel. Among other things, it can help us when clearing out unused items to know that we probably need to remove it from a magic sheet. Super helpful for things that only live in Magic Sheets like certain macros.

  • Beyond this, but also to include this data in the about screen for a given target -- such as channel. Among other things, it can help us when clearing out unused items to know that we probably need to remove it from a magic sheet. Super helpful for things that only live in Magic Sheets like certain macros.

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