Under Review

Use camera as Color reference

Spending a lot of time to get my colorpalettes accurate thru different fixtures, I was thinking there should be a way to automate that process.

The color estimation of eos (for “unknown” fixtures) is not bad but far away from perfect. That is because it doesn’t know the reality. How about using the camera to get the the reality back to eos.

couldn't it be possible to say I want L156 and let the system use the camera to see what it needs to be 156?

I know that every camera has its own color grading but I’m pretty shure we will get way closer than we are at the moment. 

The next step to have a colorpicker from Fotos so I could also reference from one fixture to the next. 

Or even use copy to and recall from with a soft key (live reference) on the rfr.

  • Thank you for your input.  We are working on ways to close the gap between the idealized color in calibrated fixtures and reality, or management of unclabirated fixtures greater than a generic model.    We will take this into consideration as we investigate that toolset.

    Thanks much!!


  • Thank you for your input.  We are working on ways to close the gap between the idealized color in calibrated fixtures and reality, or management of unclabirated fixtures greater than a generic model.    We will take this into consideration as we investigate that toolset.

    Thanks much!!


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