User Delegations in Eos Family

Hey there! I am a 15 year old Lighting Programmer, everyday, I am learning something new, and I have learned more recently about unwanted changes to an Augment3d model and cue lists.

Currently, our high school is doing a theatre production and we had to move off of the stage for a choir concert. They had to make cues and they forgot to make a new show file for their concert. They deleted all of the cues that we had for the show and replaced it with theirs. We were so upset after we ran through what we had to see effects and color changes when we definitely didn’t program that. Before we gave the auditorium to them, I set up the disable Augment3d Model feature for their account because they did not need to use it for their show. They switched users to the theatre user and used our model, but they didn’t know what they were doing and edited the whole thing.

Which brings me to my point. I was hoping that there can be a user permissions delegation feature in eos 3 and 2.9 where there are certain levels of permission for the console users. Such as:

  • Admin: This account has complete access to system, this account can change all settings, add new users, etc. This account is suitable for maintenance technicians who are setting up the board.
  • User: This is a standard account, best for people who know the board, they can make changes to Augment3d models, change the patch, subs, etc, they cannot change many settings though and cannot create users.
  • Guest: This account is more limited in terms of what can be changed, this account is suitable for non-theatre events, staff who aren’t eos savvy, and for maintenance technicians: This user can save shows, use Augment3d if allowed by the admin, and cannot change many settings too.

The admin can set up a pin if they choose to and if a person wants to access settings that they cannot edit, then there will be a prompt to enter the pin.

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