At our venue we usually use Direct Selects with 7 collums and 20 rows giving us 4x(5x7) "chunks" for storing our Groups/Presets/Palletes.
We treat these chunks like four little areas (divided by the three Black dividers when using 20 rows) where we Store Show specific fixture groups in the first one, House Conventionals in the second, House movers in the third and the booms in the fourth chunk.
Same for Presets, where we store them from top>Bottom while left to right indicates the selection to which the Preset applies.
This style works well visually but breaks down when doing scoping actions like Merging Only Show specific Fixtures into another showfile because the syntax would be Merge Group 1-5+21-25+41-45+61-65+.... rather than Merge Group 1-35
This is why i would find an option really heplfull where you could flip the record targets in a Direct Select window by 90° so the targets display from top>bottom left>right like this.
This could be a checkbox in the Window configuration. A nice indicator that that option has been enabled could be rotating the page up/down buttons 90° to act as page right/left buttons.