Virtual XY, virtual hue/sat for XY profiles

The new integration of XY input for any fixture using the color picker is fantastic!  But its use is a little hamstrung without virtual parameters backing it up so we can:

- access X/Y in the ML controls and see it in the channel display for any fixture
- pass X/Y values between fixtures using copyto/recall

Also, XY profiles currently do not have virtual hue/sat, which would be useful for passing colors into and from non-XY profiles.

It seems like all the math to translate XY and hue sat is already in place, it just needs to be fully integrated across all fixtures and profile types.

Please consider putting this on the higher end of the dev cue, as XY workflows are very quickly becoming a big part of motion picture lighting and we need to be able to integrate it on the console side across the wide variety of fixtures we work with.
