Planned for Future

XY color wheel controls on encoders

XY is quickly becoming prevalent in the film world.  It's not as complicated as many forum posts seem to make it: just meter the light, use our built in XY to adjust to the XY you are trying to match, record CP.  The issue is being quick and precise with 4 digits of precision with the current slider setup.  Encoder access would speed this up greatly and again reinforce the need for a hardware console.

  • I would like to 2nd this request for XY color support. We use Skypanels in Mode 19 and Kino Freestyles in XY, and Asteras in 16 bit XY. All stock ETC profiles had to be customized so the user ranges would be useful on the encoders. (Skypanels and Asteras user ranges became 0 to 8000 for example). Just having the color picker work with changing the XY values would be super helpful. But that would also lead to having color palate swatches match or at least appear to match. XY is very tedious in EOS but it has given us the most accurate representation of color delivered versus color expected across a variety of fixtures such that I have willingly given up the other color features on the console to use XY. It involves having Lee and Rosco color websites open on my computer nearby so that when a new color is requested I can look up the XY values and enter them, and then make a color palate.

    SkyPanels, Kinos, and Asteras provide the vast majority of color in our lighting, and once we saw how much better the lights were at matching color in XY it was nearly impossible to go back.

  • Yes, it is in our plans to provide encoder control for all abstract color spaces.    Time frame TBD.

