• Patch: Add “circuit” as a new fundamental data input field in Patch.

    • Planned for Future on
    Facilities that were early adopters of LED technology are getting to the point where fixtures and devices are going to begin to fail. The more information the console can provide about a fixture or device (without having to refer to a different set of...
  • Make position and orientation in A3D patch work with Recall From and Copy To

    • Planned for Future on
    All the fixtures on a pipe will have the same Y and Z values, just the X value changes. For starters, the rotation could match it's neighbors. I would like to be able to do something like Chan 2 [thru] 10 {Position} {Orientation} [Recall From] 1 To...
  • Learn fader and bump button movements with timing.

    Have the learn function save fader movements to play back a "look" you just made while busking. And also in the same fashion playback using bump buttons you have tapped to make a flicker or random type strobe.
  • SNMP Support

  • Shift + Update to multiple locations?

    This probably won’t be of use to many other situations Eos finds itself in, however in the TV studio situation I work this would be really useful! So let me explain the setup. 3 lighting galleries with Ion XE’s in. 7 studio spaces, all with different...
  • Timeline-based Show Control

    I would love to be able to have a timeline-based look at my Show Control Events. The spreadsheet-like view really gets in the way when dealing with lots of actions.
  • Ability to Change Default Sub Settings

    It would great to be able to change the default sub settings. For example, I always want record exclusive on. It would save time and headaches to be able to adjust settings once and just press a “set as default” button and not worry about it anymore.
  • PosiStageNet Tracking

    Probably two different elements... Live Augument3d Scenery tracking Control of output based on scenery positions. ie- I want to track a piece of Pixel tape off as a portal closes.. Thanks Ryan
  • ability to "lock" Custom Direct Selects

    Not my idea, just transfering it over https://community.etcconnect.com/control_consoles/eos-family-consoles/f/eos-family/52157/feature-request---ability-to-lock-custom-direct-selects ----- Hi, Not sure if this has been asked before: apologies if...
  • Colour Families/By-Family Palette

    I often work with multiple lighting fixtures that all use the same colour mixing engine, or are calibrated to the same space. For example, all Color Force IIs use the same colour engine, all Mac Vipers and the Axiom use the same colour engine, and the...