• Feature Request: Fully incorporate virtual & real CIE X CIE Y parameters into color picker

    I have a large project coming up where the DPs insist on using their own XY system for everything, this puts me at a disadvantage as CIE X and CIE Y controls are not fully incorporated into the color picker and ML controls in EOS. I have seen other posts...
  • Auto start/stop cue list

    I would love an MA-like feature where cue lists can auto-start, and auto-release when you bring the fader up and down. This could help in a number of busking situations, and also prevent inexperienced operators from having additional cue lists playing...
  • Prism as a Parameter name

    Hello, i love to see "Prism" and all things related to it to see as a parameter name. Right now, all i have, is "Beam FX" in all the Fixtures.
  • Patch Channel at Universe / - should show that universe address space

    • 1 Comment
    While in patch with a fixture selected, in the center it shows the universe utilization, it would be helpful if when I timed in Channel 2 Address 3/ it would them change the universe utilization to that specified universe
  • Lock Magic sheets objects

    As needed, could be useful lock Magic sheets objects during edit mode to avoid unwanted movement. Always selectables, but lock to grid. Thank you Francesco
  • Timestamp on Command History Tab [Tab 30] and Undo

    • 1 Comment
    Would be nice to have a reference of when a change was made for Command History and Undo.
  • Mouse/touch-driven interactive control on Encoder pages

    It would be great if it was possible to adjust parameters on the encoder view in a similar manner to the ML Controls pop-up (e.g. hover over a parameter and use the scroll wheel to adjust the value) or perhaps enable a click-and-drag behaviour on the...
  • Display any parameter data on a magic sheet

    I'd like to have the ability to show the status/value down to the individual parameter level on a magic sheet and not just the category. For example - I want to see JUST the label for the beam palette that the Zoom parameter is in, without worrying...
  • Expanded and clearer layout for OSC IP addresses & multiple port implementation

    Hello, Is it possible to look at the layout for OSC IPs in Show Control/OSC in Setup? We are now in a world where rather than using broadcast, we're targeting specific IPs of multiple machines (a main and backup QLab, as well as a main and backup...
  • Make FX rate and size faders recordable

    Changes made by rate and size faders are not recordable. When making changes with those faders, the rate and size numbers are not manual - and are therefore not recorded into cues.