Macro x Color red [group xxx full park on enter
macro y+1 copy to macro x]
Macro y Color red [group xxx at full park on enter
Macro y+1 copy to macro x]
Macro y+1 Color green [group xxx park out enter
macro y copy to macro x]
Trying to make a macro for Flash_Off can’t figure it out. I was attempting to use the keyboard short cut Shift Out but shift isn’t in the macro editor.
I have this macro copied into to Macro 821 during programming, and it basically is a quick "mark" for the specific cue that I'm on. It grabs all live moves and marks them automatically. When swapping between programming and operator views, this macro...
I made this for all pallets, and 2 versions for Presets. With and without intensity.
Will record Pallet/preset for the last modified channels, wait for input of number and open the label dialog.
It helps alot when doing a lot of pallets during pre...
Another simple one here, just in hopes that it'll get the forum moving.
I have the typical Query Live Moves and Query Dark Moves macros built, but the additional step I like to have is to then go into a flexi selected state so that I can quickly see...
I've also done select Active as a variation. The important part is including the parameters you typically are recording into your presets, saving keystrokes when typically recording only certain parameters into Presets.
I find this very useful when...