Driver: Monoprice/Stage Right Stage Beam 30W LED Moving Head Light

I purchased a couple of very inexpensive Monoprice (now calling themselves Stage Right) movers, but have been unable to find a profile that works. I tried to follow the directions, but was unsuccessful trying to build my own profile for them.

Could someone please help me out?

The manual is online here:

  • Hello!

    I have submitted your request to have a profile made. This takes about two weeks and should be ready at the start of July.

    In the meantime, I agree with Ueli that it would be helpful to know how far you got and what did/didn't work so we can help you find a way to make your own.

    Thank you,
  • Thanks Sara and Ueli,

    "How far did you get?" Well - not far enough. I managed to turn the lights on and off. I managed to move them, but I believe I had about 700' of rotation instead of 360'. (Almost twice around) I was unsuccessful in matching up the button values to the colors, so I would end up mid-gobo. (But I could use clear.)

    And, I tried maybe 6 months ago when the lights were new. We didn't really have movers in our theater, and before I could invest in good lighting I was hoping to make a case for their use with these. I hung them sideways not knowing that I should not have done that. (No damage, and they're no longer hung that way.) So, it's not all fresh in my mind any longer - they got packed away and forgotten about since Christmas when I failed.

    We had Element level 1 and 2 training again this week with the high school students, and we pulled the little monoprice lights out to try them again and see if they were in the new libraries. There is a 'stage beam' fixture, but it does not function on the lights that I have (and yes, I do know how to patch them correctly, just not how to create the profile.) We have other movers patched now that work fine - and I know these work fine, because I can write to their addresses directly to send commands - but the profile itself doesn't work.

    Two weeks is no problem. And heck, I can even wait for the next release of the libraries! I thought for sure someone would have requested this profile by now so I wouldn't be the one asking, but no luck. Last few library releases it hasn't shown up yet. :)
  • Any luck getting the Monoprice Stage Beam 30W LED profile to work? Looking at it in the editor it matches the manual, but the colors and the gobos are not correct...
    If I enter it directly by address is scales by 100 not 255.
    0-3 is open, 4-7 is orange, 8-11 is cyan, etc. 32-55 is the split colors and then 56 through 100 is where the color spin sits.
    I thought User Min and Max might be the answer, but I just don't know enough about creating profiles to get this puppy working properly.
    Any suggestions? I know it is an inexpensive fixture, but for teaching basics I think it will work IF I can get it to function properly. TIA