Where to find useful training resources...

Hi all,

There are many useful training resources on the web. To help speed up the search for information, particularly for newbies to the Eos family, I created the attached document. Just a handful of links to all sorts of useful little gems.


Happy Learning!




[edited by: Anne Valentino at 8:06 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 14 2010]
  • Is there an easy way to copy / print an entire thread from these forums?  I have printed several as inserts to my console manual.

    So far I CTRL A then CTRL C.  This of course gives me all of the extra web stuff I do not need.  Then I have to delete or backspace my way thru the doccument.

  • Is there an easy way to copy / print an entire thread from these forums?  I have printed several as inserts to my console manual.

    So far I CTRL A then CTRL C.  This of course gives me all of the extra web stuff I do not need.  Then I have to delete or backspace my way thru the doccument.

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