Feature Request: Autoblock every cue after a mark cue

When deleting a cue at the beginning of a cue list it can happen, that for example all color values are gone, if they dont change in the next move. It would be awesome if it was possible to enable a feature that auto blocks all fixtures in the cue after a mark cue.

In the example below, if you would do "@ Track Enter" in Cue 200, the color values at the next cue (Cue 310) would be changed, allthough that is not what we want in this case. If the cue would be auto blocked, there would be no problem. Slight smile

Parents Reply
  • This one of the limitations of using automark.  If you were using reference marking, it would be standard procedure to add a mark command when the lights are used, and the mark command would act as an autoblock.  The way around this in automark is to add your own partial blocks with a command like "Channel 1 AllNPs Block Enter".

    If you need more control over your data, you might want to look at switching to reference marking.
