Archiving shows

Is it possible to resurrect the "Burn CD" functionality from the Hog 3? We do corporate shows, and when its time to upgrade software I like to archive all the old shows before upgrading. The hog 3 burn cd function let you make backups of all shows on the console from the show browser window, without having to log into each show, backup, log out, then copy all of them to a thumb drive. I would like to be able to choose which ones to archive, I don't need a backup of my bench test file, or 15 'new show_#' files.
  • You should be able to just drag and drop your files to a USB Drive from the file browser.

    If you have a showfile (Ie not a backup) you will be prompted to name the file and create a backup.

    So if you took 10 showfiles and dragged them to the USB you will get 10 popups asking what you want to name the backups of the showfiles.
  • You should be able to just drag and drop your files to a USB Drive from the file browser.

    If you have a showfile (Ie not a backup) you will be prompted to name the file and create a backup.

    So if you took 10 showfiles and dragged them to the USB you will get 10 popups asking what you want to name the backups of the showfiles.
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