Run Macro on Show Load

This was discussed a few years ago in another thread, but I don't see anything else more current, so I thought I'd ask. Is there really no way to run a specific macro as part of the show file load process? I see how to load one on boot, but this one needs to be run AFTER the show file loads, or at the end of the load process. IS there really still no way to do this? It seems like such a simple, basic thing I just can't believe there's no options / setting to do it. If I likely looked right at it while searching, feel free to tell me "hey dummy... You looked right at it here: ".
Thanks all!
  • Michael is very correct, a startup macro will trigger when the program has finished loading.

    If for whatever reason the comment macro is triggering Early You can set the startup macro to "GLX/Y" Where X= the list number and Y=the cue number

    I would recommend "GL1000/1" which will fire list 1000s cue 1

    I would record a bunch of blank cues and set them to have a follow time of +2s (Except cue 1) this means each cue will trigger 2 seconds after the last. I would do this until the end of the cuelist, and set you cuelist options to be Reset on Release and Auto Release at End that way when you boot up cue list is complete.

    This is handy because you can create multiple steps for your boot-up process. You can also add in, take out and rearrange your order for whatever reason you may need to.

    You can also program fixture control functions in the cues while other board functions are triggering, maybe you want to strike your lamps, and turn off the fixtures displays?
  • Michael is very correct, a startup macro will trigger when the program has finished loading.

    If for whatever reason the comment macro is triggering Early You can set the startup macro to "GLX/Y" Where X= the list number and Y=the cue number

    I would recommend "GL1000/1" which will fire list 1000s cue 1

    I would record a bunch of blank cues and set them to have a follow time of +2s (Except cue 1) this means each cue will trigger 2 seconds after the last. I would do this until the end of the cuelist, and set you cuelist options to be Reset on Release and Auto Release at End that way when you boot up cue list is complete.

    This is handy because you can create multiple steps for your boot-up process. You can also add in, take out and rearrange your order for whatever reason you may need to.

    You can also program fixture control functions in the cues while other board functions are triggering, maybe you want to strike your lamps, and turn off the fixtures displays?
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