Help! Concert tonight.

Hello everyone. I just became a member, although I should have joined years ago.

Long story short:

I am a part time lighting/audio tech for a local high school. (They are too cheap to hire someone full time) Anyway I use my free time to assist the school district with running their auditorium. My main strength is in audio. That is where the problem lies.

A couple of weeks ago I set up a show for a local group to perform in the auditorium, I could not be present because of a prior engagement. Well, the lights were working fine when I left. So, last night I go to the auditoirum to focus the lights and record some cues for tonight's concert. And now the lights are not working properly.

Some Channels don't dim at all. When I start fading the lights in, the computer control will show about 7% on the corresponding channel and the dimmer will turn the actual lights from 0% to 100% instantly. As it continues to fade up, it does nothing because the lights are already on full. The same thing happens in reverse when trying to fade the lights out - fading does nothing from 100% down to 7% then the lights go completely off after passing 7%. This only happens when using a light cue. If I use the fader on the board the lights fade up and down.

 The question:

Is this a dimmer issue or did the guy from a couple of weeks ago mess up the settings on the board? And if he did, how do I reset it back to normal.


  • Sorry, equipment used is an ETC Express 48/96
  • Hi there -

    Is it possible to be in front of the console and be on the phone at the same time? Without seeing your console it is hard to determine what's going on. I would highly recommend contacting technical services by phone when you are near the console so that you can troubleshoot the system with an expert. Please call 800-688-4116 as soon as you can...

    Thanks -



  • Hi there -

    Is it possible to be in front of the console and be on the phone at the same time? Without seeing your console it is hard to determine what's going on. I would highly recommend contacting technical services by phone when you are near the console so that you can troubleshoot the system with an expert. Please call 800-688-4116 as soon as you can...

    Thanks -



  • I am currently at my "day job". How late is tech support open? I can call around 5:30pm and be in front of the board.

    Is there anyone I can talk to before then that can start to give me some advice on what may be wrong?


  • First - you should be able to reach tech support till 5ish CST.  Second - sounds like you have some profile issue of some sort.  Third - if you are stuck, you can always call tech support and ask for help with the caveat that just giving you advice may not solve your issue without being at the console.

    Good luck! 

  • If the outputs dim correctly when grabbing the channel on its own but not when running cues, I don't think it's a profile issue.  Profiles were one of the first things I thought of too when reading this, but they should be applied to the output no matter what the level source is...

    One of the first things I'd try is recording a new cue with channels that seem to be having this problem and see if it persists.  Make absolutely sure that you can set various levels using either the channel slider or the [Chan] number [at] level [Enter] syntax.  Then record a new cue with the levels at full and run it with [Cue] number [A/B Go].  If the levels fade properly here, then there may be something screwy with the way the "other" cues are recorded.  If not, then there may be some deeper problem.  I'd also suggest trying to run the cues on the C/D Fader instead of the A/B fader to see if that makes a difference...

    Otherwise, do give a call to tech support.  We have some pretty helpful people there :-)

  • Thanks everyone! Hopefully I will update this thread tomorrow with a positive outcome. But something tells me there is a deeper problem.
  • Are you recording to submasters or using the "GO" feature? What color are the values Blue, Purple, Bright Yellow, Dark Yellow, Red, Green, White with Red background?

    [edited by: texas4485 at 11:31 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 12 2007]