Obsession II & Rosco I-Cue choppy live move

Hello all,

We are running Obs II 4600 5.1.1

Rosco I-Cue mirror fixtures are displaying move/stop, move/stop, move/stop, etc behavior during a live move, 10 sec fade time.  Cycling about 2 stops/sec.

The fixtures are set to 16-bit operation.  ML personality is set for 16 bit (Pan, Pan Fine, Tilt, Tilt fine)

Operation is smooth using encoders, and choppy only during cue playback.

Behavior is the same in both DMX & eDMX environments.

DMX transmission speed is set to MAX.

 S4 Revolutions and VL 1000s in the same show do not exhibit the same problem.

Has anyone had a similar experience and hopefully a workaround?



  • Tom, I haven't run an Obsn II lately, but it seems clear that this is a fade granularity stepping problem.  Off the top of my head, I would expect a moving mirror unit to run through many fewer "numbers" than a moving yoke unit, when both are sweeping the same distance.  That makes it likely that you could have a problem with only the former type of unit.  Perhaps one way to confirm this would be to temporarily cut the I-Cue fade time in half, and see if the problem is less severe.

    I don't see how you could fix it on the same light board without using an internal M-Speed type of command to the lights, if they have it.  Yes, this would be time-consuming.  Can you rehang the I-Cues so they would have to move larger percentages for most of their fades?


  • Tom, I haven't run an Obsn II lately, but it seems clear that this is a fade granularity stepping problem.  Off the top of my head, I would expect a moving mirror unit to run through many fewer "numbers" than a moving yoke unit, when both are sweeping the same distance.  That makes it likely that you could have a problem with only the former type of unit.  Perhaps one way to confirm this would be to temporarily cut the I-Cue fade time in half, and see if the problem is less severe.

    I don't see how you could fix it on the same light board without using an internal M-Speed type of command to the lights, if they have it.  Yes, this would be time-consuming.  Can you rehang the I-Cues so they would have to move larger percentages for most of their fades?


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