Personality for Elektralite MY250i

I would like to create a personality for the Elektralite MY250i.  The problem is that the channel assignments in the fixture put Pan Course on 5 and Pan Fine on 14 and the same goes with Tilt Course(6), Tilt Fine(15).  Since the editor only allows 16bit channels to be consecutive, is there a way around this?  I prefer to use a profile as opposed to just making them "dimmers" in the patch.
  • jp, I didn't answer at first because of the last sentence in your post.  It sounded like you didn't want to do any manual patching at all.  Now, definitely on an Obsession I (and I think, probably II as well), because the ML patch mechanism is "laid on top of" the normal patch system, you can get away with making manual changes in an ML patch.  I once had to do this when a designer insisted on grouping "Control" and "Speed" dimmers for multiple MLs, I guess to save channels or get each fixture onto one Channel Screen line, just in case (?)

    Anyway, if you try to do this in Expression 3 Offline (I don't have a board to try it on), you get a message box that says if you move a dimmer that's in an ML's patch, it will be restored upon the next power-up!  That (if it's correct) suggests that you cannot use this workaround in Expression.  Have you tried it?  Note, as Sarah said, that you are forced to have 16-bit channels in consecutive order.  That's not the same thing as having to have the 16-bit dimmers in consecutive order-If, and it's a big if, you can move the dimmers.

  • jp, I didn't answer at first because of the last sentence in your post.  It sounded like you didn't want to do any manual patching at all.  Now, definitely on an Obsession I (and I think, probably II as well), because the ML patch mechanism is "laid on top of" the normal patch system, you can get away with making manual changes in an ML patch.  I once had to do this when a designer insisted on grouping "Control" and "Speed" dimmers for multiple MLs, I guess to save channels or get each fixture onto one Channel Screen line, just in case (?)

    Anyway, if you try to do this in Expression 3 Offline (I don't have a board to try it on), you get a message box that says if you move a dimmer that's in an ML's patch, it will be restored upon the next power-up!  That (if it's correct) suggests that you cannot use this workaround in Expression.  Have you tried it?  Note, as Sarah said, that you are forced to have 16-bit channels in consecutive order.  That's not the same thing as having to have the 16-bit dimmers in consecutive order-If, and it's a big if, you can move the dimmers.

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