Visualization Crash on CAD Edits

Hey all - just joined, and I have a quick question. I know this isn't entirely what this forum is meant for, but I'd like to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing. We run 2 Express 125/250 consoles with Emphasis in our building. One setup is for the main auditorium, has 3D visualization, and is a much larger system. My problem is with the smaller setup. Specifically, we're running 1 rack of Sensor+ 20A dimmers with Unison and 3 DMX opto-splitters that run DMX out to pockets and truss throughout the room. The server runs 2D visualization. We had someone come in a few years ago when we did the initial set-up and draft out the CAD for the room, and he was even willing to hang all of the fixtures in the drawing as well. We never used it much, so we didn't update the drawing. I'm wanting to use it now, but when any fixtures are unhung or deleted in the drawing to reflect the correct layout for the show, Emphasis visualization crashes without any errors. I've emailed both Cast and ETC, and they insist that it's a problem with the other party's software, and direct me to each other. Phone support hasn't been much help either. 3D visualization works well on the larger installation, but I can't for the life of me figure out what's up with this installation. Any ideas?

[edited by: MaxS at 12:48 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Aug 11 2008]
  • Hi Max -

    Welcome to the forums. I've had a chat with the engineers who worked on Emphasis here at ETC and unfortunately, since the Vis side is crashing and the console side isn't it looks very likely that the problem exists on the Vis side. I suggest that you take the show file to your 3D Emphasis system and edit it there. It's possible that the problem presents itself on a 2D system but not on a 3D system. If, however, you see a similar crash on your 3D system, then that points to show file corruption. Since your files are older, it's possible that there is something in them that hasn't made the transistion to newer software well. If that's the case, you may have to rebuild the file from scratch (worst case). If you find that the show uneditable on both systems, you might try to import pieces of the show into a new show chunk by chunk. Sometimes this can clear out corrupted data, or at the very least reduce the amount of data you might need to rebuild.

    I hope this helps - 

    Thanks much -



  • Hi Max -

    Welcome to the forums. I've had a chat with the engineers who worked on Emphasis here at ETC and unfortunately, since the Vis side is crashing and the console side isn't it looks very likely that the problem exists on the Vis side. I suggest that you take the show file to your 3D Emphasis system and edit it there. It's possible that the problem presents itself on a 2D system but not on a 3D system. If, however, you see a similar crash on your 3D system, then that points to show file corruption. Since your files are older, it's possible that there is something in them that hasn't made the transistion to newer software well. If that's the case, you may have to rebuild the file from scratch (worst case). If you find that the show uneditable on both systems, you might try to import pieces of the show into a new show chunk by chunk. Sometimes this can clear out corrupted data, or at the very least reduce the amount of data you might need to rebuild.

    I hope this helps - 

    Thanks much -



  • Well I made the decision to use Emphasis RVF/Offline Editor on my personal laptop instead of moving things between installations, but I'm running into a problem right off the bat. After installing a compatible version of WYSIWYG, I'll try to run the installer for facepanel/offline editor, but an error will appear telling me than I need to install at least version 17. Version 21 is installed, and the installer won't run no matter what I try. I could just use WYSIWYG to edit the .wyg and move it back over, but I would also like the integrated functionality of Cast's software into facepanel and offline editor.

    [edited by: MaxS at 7:29 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Aug 17 2008] [edited by: MaxS at 7:28 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Aug 17 2008]
  • Max,


    You can have both versions installed on your machine - but they will need to be installed in their own separate path and directory. Emphasis Offline V2.7 needs to see the library of R17. I would recommend uninstalling and reinstalling R21 into its own directory, then install R17 into its own directory.


    Hope that helps.


    Kathy Williams

  • That did the trick! Thanks. Being able to do everything I can from the server while up on the lift should make plotting a lot easier. I'll check the .wyg when I go in tomorrow and hope that the file itself isn't corrupt.