from an insight3 - "*warning* submaster cannot be inhibited"

Why am i unable to inhibit any subs on my insight3?  This is the error message when inhibitive type of sub is chosen.

Thanks Folks

Parents Reply
  • any at all.

    First I tried to change submaster 21 of the 108 faders to inhibitive because it had the intensity control of lamps with I-Q's on it.  Keep one from noticing the swoop is sort of the orignal notion.  This error was produced.  Next tried to build the same thing from scratch on an empty sub, number 37; same result.  I then tried several other subs, and several other tactics, including word for word from the manual.  Everytime the same thing

    press [TYPE] + [2] = *warning* can't inhibit submaster

    Is there possibly a default setting that's tripping me up?
