We are currently programming one VL-1000 TSD on an Obsession II 750 running software 5.1. We're having a problem with how the console seems to be mastering pan and tilt values. When a cue is played back both the fine and coarse channels and sent to their next value in the cue's time. This results in very choppy movement in cues over 5 seconds. What we should be seeing is the fine movement channel ossiclating between zero and full in between moments when the coarse channel changes from one value to the next. Even on the ML Live screen when looking at the 16-bit DMX values the rate of change in the value is horribly uneven, rather than moving in a smooth progression as it should. We've tried this with both the ETC supplied personality and with a old personality that was loaded on the console by a previous ME. In both cases pan and tilt are defined as 16-bit channels. Any proposed solutions?
Jim Gross
Assistant Production Manager
Palo Alto, CA