Loading Empahsis' software into my Expression 3 - 400 Channel

Hey Guys,



Would it be possible to "load" Empahsis's software into my Expression 4 300??



The only feature I want is the Subrountines on Subs feature and The Net2 support....





  • The Emphasis system is a separate entity - it's own processors, storage, case, etcetera - basically it's a whole other console - It uses other consoles (like the Expression) as an interface, or 'faceplate', essentially bypassing the OS within, and 'hijacking' the faders/keys for its own use.

    I'm almost certain you need to buy the hardware for Emphasis - it's far more 'feature-rich' than the Expression platform, and needs the added horsepower from the CPU unit to work.

  • The Emphasis system is a separate entity - it's own processors, storage, case, etcetera - basically it's a whole other console - It uses other consoles (like the Expression) as an interface, or 'faceplate', essentially bypassing the OS within, and 'hijacking' the faders/keys for its own use.

    I'm almost certain you need to buy the hardware for Emphasis - it's far more 'feature-rich' than the Expression platform, and needs the added horsepower from the CPU unit to work.
