Loading Empahsis' software into my Expression 3 - 400 Channel

Hey Guys,



Would it be possible to "load" Empahsis's software into my Expression 4 300??



The only feature I want is the Subrountines on Subs feature and The Net2 support....





Parents Reply
  • Emphasis was the software application as developed by ETC that interfaced with a version of Cast Software's WYSISYG visualization program to control the lighting system.  The entire software package resided on a Dell or similar PC provided by ETC.  It connected to an Express, Expression II or III or Insight II or III console via the Cat5 connection on the back of the console, using the console as a "Facepanel", in essance taking over the console and using it simply as a button box.

    Without the actual Emphasis server, you do not have an Emphasis system.

    Steve B.
